Office Cleaning Services

Office cleaning services can boost your employees’ productivity and make your workplace healthier. However, some factors must be considered before hiring a professional company to perform deep cleaning services. These include Sanitation, Cost, and Employee Engagement. Learn how office cleaning services can help you achieve your goals!

office cleaning GeelongEmployee engagement

An organisation’s high-quality cleaning service can increase employee engagement and morale. Employees who feel their work is appreciated and a big part of the company’s success are likelier to stay with the organisation. However, the job of cleaning an office may not be as glamorous as an employee might believe. Employees need to see the larger picture when working in this environment.

To create a positive workplace atmosphere, managers should recognise the excellent work done by employees. It can be done by creating employee performance awards and providing specific explanations for the awards. Other ways to show appreciation to employees include recognising employee birthdays and tenure anniversaries in the company newsletter. These activities are an excellent way to keep employees engaged and motivated.

Another way to increase employee engagement is to incorporate gamification into the office cleaning Geelong process. It isn’t a new concept and has been used by hotels and credit card companies for years. While it’s waning in popularity these days, it’s proven to be a powerful way to motivate employees. Companies with highly engaged employees grow three times faster than their competitors. Conversely, employees who are disengaged cost $350 billion each year.


One of the benefits of using office cleaning services is the increased productivity they can provide. By keeping the office clean and sanitised, employees will be more likely to work efficiently and effectively, which can translate into increased sales. Additionally, a clean office reduces the risk of workers catching viruses or using sick leave, both of which are costly for businesses. Commercial cleaning services use advanced sanitisation techniques to ensure surfaces are harmful.

An office with a clean environment reduces stress for employees and increases employee morale. Employee morale is a significant factor in productivity, and a sloppy office can make employees feel depressed and discouraged. A clean, organised office conveys the right message to clients and potential employees.

An office that is unsanitary and filthy will derail the most productive workers. In addition, dirty and messy environments are stressful for employees, leading to several health problems. For example, workers who work away from home during a COVID virus outbreak may be prone to stress and anxiety. While these factors are preventable, they can be challenging to overcome.


Sanitation is crucial to the health of an office. It’s an easy way to reduce the risk of germs and viruses spreading in the workplace. Unfortunately, floors, walls, and chairs are where germs can live. Therefore, office cleaning services should include deep cleaning hard surfaces, including carpets, tile grout, and upholstery.

Using a commercial office cleaning Geelong company to perform your office cleaning will ensure that your office remains sanitised. These companies will go beyond the typical janitorial service, including cleaning the restrooms and emptying trash bins. In addition, commercial cleaning services ensure that your office is free of pathogens and bacteria, ensuring that your employees work in a safe and healthy environment.

Regular cleaning and hand hygiene stations will help slow the spread of illnesses in your workplace. It is crucial in areas where staff may not be wearing PPE. Regular cleaning will also prevent cross-contamination. If a surface isn’t thoroughly cleaned, bacteria and viruses multiply quickly. Additionally, accumulated dust can make it difficult to sanitise surfaces effectively. Moreover, dust contains allergens, which can aggravate respiratory ailments and cause respiratory distress.


The average cost for office cleaning services is between $10 and $50 per square foot. However, in larger offices, the price per square foot is lower. The cost of office cleaning services can also vary significantly by service provider. For example, in major metropolitan areas, janitorial services charge more than those in rural areas.

However, the cost per square foot will likely be less than in rural areas.

Hiring professional cleaners will save your employees a lot of time. For example, when hiring a company, you won’t have to spend time doing specialised tasks or cleaning the same area repeatedly.

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